Feinstein Divorce Law - Queens Attorney Bruce Feinstein, Esq.

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Posts Tagged ‘child support’

Life Insurance to Secure Alimony and Child Support Payments: Is it Worth it?

Written by Bruce Feinstein, Esq. on . Posted in Divorce Blog


Properly securing life insurance during a divorce proceeding ensures that alimony and child support are paid, even upon the death of a former spouse. The peace of mind and financial security it brings are just some of the many benefits of this agreement.

The divorce process in New York centers its focus on the division of assets between spouses and the structure of care for their children. This can be legally enforced through alimony and child support payments. But what about the unforeseen consequences that may occur outside courtroom? What if the paying spouse dies – what happens to the financial support of the surviving spouse and children? We recently addressed this question with clients and families the Queens area, and want to provide some helpful information about ways to maintain your family’s financial security.

Divorce and Visitation with an Abusive Spouse After NFL’s Abuse Scandals

Written by Bruce Feinstein, Esq. on . Posted in Divorce Blog

Abusive Spouse Visiation CustodyTips on how to deal with an abusive partner when it comes to divorce, visitation, and custody.

Dealing with an abusive partner is a difficult process, one that takes a great deal of courage to overcome. Putting an end to the cycle of domestic violence by way of divorce is a way for a spouse to stop an unhealthy marriage and put an end to physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Abusive spouses are increasingly being portrayed in the media. The recent wave of domestic violence cases in the NFL started a media firestorm in 2014, making it the “sports story of the year,” according to an article by the Denver Post.

The article also references an important part of many divorces with an abusive spouse: children. In this post we bring a renewed focus to showing what legal steps parents can take during a divorce in New York, and what they can do during subsequent visitations to protect themselves and their children.

Answers to Common Child Support Questions After New York State Court Releases New Rules

Written by Bruce Feinstein, Esq. on . Posted in Divorce Blog

child support questionsThere are new rules, and new questions, about child support in New York.

Divorce can be stressful for a couple, but when there are children are involved, it often makes the process even more emotional. Some couples agree to keep the divorce process uncontested, which helps to establish child support without a total negotiation meltdown. However, problems can come up when spouses don’t understand how the law works when minor children are in the picture. In this post, we offer answers to some common child support issues that come up in our office in response to updated information from the New York Court system released on April 28, 2014.

Military Divorce: Important Advice and Information for Service Members

Written by Bruce Feinstein, Esq. on . Posted in Divorce Blog

Military Divorce Advice and Information

What are the differences between civilian and military divorce and how can it affect your divorce?

There are over one million Americans serving in the U.S. military, and they are all subject to certain obligations and benefits. These affect every part of their lives, including the lives of their spouses and children. Unlike their civilian counterparts, there are certain issues a couple with one or both members serving in the military must address when they decide to divorce. Let’s go over some of the key points military couples need to know if they plan to file for divorce.

Paying for College After Divorce – Advice for Parents

Written by Bruce Feinstein, Esq. on . Posted in Divorce Blog

Paying College Tuition After Divorce

Who pays for college after a divorce? Have the conversation now.

There are many issues that couples discuss during a divorce proceeding, including distribution of assets, child custody, and childcare costs. But what about the responsibility of paying for a child’s college education? This is a major financial and emotional experience that many couples often gloss over during a divorce.

Areas We Serve

The Law Offices of Divorce Attorney Bruce Feinstein, Esq. handles cases from all over New York including: Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Nassau County and Suffolk County Long Island


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